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If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, there are many professional support services available.
Here is a collection of local services that you may find helpful.
General SupportAustralian Red Cross1800 077 284 Beyondblue1300 22 4636 Centrelink (Family Support)1300 169 468 LifelineNSW131 114 NSW Disaster NSW Mental Health Line1800 011 511 Suicide Call Back Service1300 659 467 The Salvation Army13 72 58 G-Line, Gambling Help Line1800 633 635 Family Drug Support1300 368 186 Parent Line NSW 1300 1300 52
Community/Neighbourhood CentresCommunity/Neighbourhood Centres are places for local people to access a range of programs and services. They are community hubs – a place to find information, build connections and increase resilience. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in place by the NSW Government, most Community/Neighbourhood Centres across the Central Coast are still providing services but are operating differently. Please contact a centre on the numbers provided to see what services they are currently offering. Bateau Bay Neighbourhood Centre 4332 7450 Berkeley Vale Neighbourhood Centre Closed San Remo Neighbourhood Centre4390 7888 Toukley Neighbourhood Centre4396 1555 Wyong Neighbourhood Centre4353 1750 Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre 4363 1044 Kariong Neighbourhood Centre4340 1724 Narara Community Centre 4329 4477 Green Point Community Centre4367 7591 Wyoming Community Centre4323 7483 Peninsula Community Centre Closed The Benevolent Society - Central Coast 1800 236 762 Uniting Burnside Northern Lakes Neighbourhood Centre – Lake Munmorah 1800 864 846 Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation - Wyong 4305 8807
HomelessnessLink2Home1800 152 152 Link2home is the statewide homelessness information and referral telephone service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Provides information, assessment or referral to homelessness services and support in NSW. Central Coast Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service Access the Renter's Guide to COVID-19 which has been developed to provide legal information about situations that may arise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Food Services Lakes Food Care - 199 Main Rd, Toukley - 4307 1234. Provides discounted grocery items and free bread daily. Salvo’s Discount Grocery Store (Oasis Shop) - 15 Hely St, Wyong - Monday to Friday: 9am-3pm. The Oasis Shop is open to all the community for discounted grocery items. Subject to availability and limits, free bread, fruit and vegetables may be available with grocery purchases. Coast Shelter - 346 Mann Street, North Gosford - 4325 3540 Lunch daily: 11am-1pm Dinner daily: 4.30pm-5.30pm Food hampers are available between 11am – 1.00pm Provides free meals, assessment, referral and support to help homeless, vulnerable, financially disadvantaged and socially isolated community members. Due to Covid-19, the meal service is providing take away for both lunch and dinner. Mary Macs - 100 Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy (opposite St John the Baptist Church) - 4341 0584 Support for anyone who is homeless, transient or needing a helping hand. Due to COVID restrictions, meals are takeaway from Monday to Friday from 11.00am -1.00pm Also available is free fruit, vegetables and bread (not available Thursday) Larger Chain Stores - Some larger chain stores may offer priority services such as delivery to vulnerable customers during this time. Contact your local store to find out what supports they may offer.
Domestic ViolenceIf you or your children are in danger call Emergency Triple Zero 000 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. NSW Domestic Violence Line1800 65 64 63 The NSW Domestic Violence Line provides counselling and referrals to women experiencing domestic and family violence. This is a free call available 24/7. Safe beds for pets RSPCA4372 2044 Provides temporary accommodation for pets of people who are seeking refuge from domestic violence.
Indigenous ServicesYerin/EleanorDuncan Aboriginal Health Services 4351 1040 Provides primary health care in a culturally safe environment to the Central Coast Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Note: Service is an approved vaccination for the COVID-19 vaccines.
Multicultural servicesNorthern Settlement Services 4334 3877 Northern Settlement Services is providing casework support and information to Multicultural Communities during this coronavirus outbreak. Assistance is by phone and online. Face to face meetings will be by appointment only, if it is safe to do so. Phone 4969 3399 for Coronavirus (COVID 19) information in your language
Disability ServicesDisability Gateway1800 643 787 The Disability Gateway is a free service available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (AEST). Not available on national public holidays. If you are worried or concerned about COVID-19, you can get support including vaccine information on this website or call the Disability Gateway. Interpreter 131 450 National Relay Service 1800 555 677
Services for menMensline1300 789 978 Mens Referral Service1300 766 491
Services for womenAustralian Breastfeeding Association1800 686 268 Peninsula Women’s Health4342 4905 Works alongside and supports women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures in a respectful, friendly and effective way. Services available include- Clinic, counseling, Peninsula groups, alternative therapists.
Services for children and young peopleHeadspace4304 7870 (Gosford) or 4394 9100 (LakeHaven) A free service for young people aged 12-25 years to access mental health support. Kids Help Line1800 551 800 Provides support any time for any reason. Reach-Out Visit the Reach-Out website Provides free Covid-19 support information for young people and their parents to help them stay well. Y Space online Visit the Y Space website Your Central Coast guide to everything youth.
Services for older peopleMeals on Wheels – Central Coast 4357 8444 Delivery of nutritious meals, social interaction and a friendly check on people’s wellbeing Red Cross TeleCROSS1300 885 698 Red Cross can provide you with a daily telephone call to check on your wellbeing allowing you peace of mind if you are at risk of an accident or illness. Healthdirect 1800 022 222 Healthdirect provides free, trusted health information and advice, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Larger Chain Stores - Some larger chain stores may offer priority services such as delivery to vulnerable customers during this time. Contact your local store to find out what supports they may offer.
Artists & Creative industry supportSupport Act Support for Independent artists and those who work in the creative industries Support Act is Australia’s only charity delivering crisis relief services to artists, crew and music workers as a result of ill health, injury, a mental health problem, or some other crisis that impacts on their ability to work in music.
Food SupportThe Food Hub 0468 642 599 - The Entrance Public School – entry via The Entrance Rd Lakes Food Care Toukley: 4307 1234 The Fathers Table0406 947 767 - Wyong Town Park – Alison Rd, Wyong - Hampers, Friday and Sunday Coast Shelter 4346 1263 - 346 Mann Street, Gosford - Hampers and packed lunches, Monday – Friday Vinnies - Hampers and vouchers Gosford – 273 Mann Street, Gosford: 4322 5861 Woy Woy – 41 The Boulevarde, Woy Woy: 4344 3261 Wyong – 47 Howarth Street, Wyong: 4356 6700
Support GroupsAlcoholics Anonymous4323 3890 Arthritis Association 4341 5881 Gambling Anonymous 1800 633 635 Narcotics Anonymous4325 0524 Overeaters Anonymous0400 074 956 or 0412 756 446 Crohn’s & Colitis Support Group 1800 138 029 Central Coast & Hunter Burns Survivor Support4369 7469 or 0421 812 262 Diabetes Support Group4369 6495 Brain Tumor Support Group4320 2187 Chronic Fatigue Support Group4363 1044 Dementia Carer Support Group4336 7843 Women’s Breast Cancer Support4336 4500 Grandparents Support Group4342 9995 Parkinsons Support Group1800 644 189 or 8875 8900 Prostate Cancer Support4367 9600 Schizophrenia & Bipolar Support 4344 7989 Stoma Support Group 4320 3323 Stroke Recovery Support1300 650 594
For additional services, visit the Central Coast Council Support page
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