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In addition to our weekly services, there are many other ways to be involved in our church community.


Some of these areas are listed below.


If you'd like to become involved in any of these ways please get in touch!

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Children, Family
& Youth Ministry

From Kids church to Friday night youth, there are plenty of things for kids to be a part of.​ You can view a list of our children's programs here.

We are also always looking for volunteers to help run these programs, so if you want to be involved in this ministry area please contact us!

Holding Hands

Pastoral Care

Are you good at spending time with people and listening to their concerns? Can you be a comforting support to someone in a time of need? Then maybe you would like to be part of our pastoral care team. Contact us to find out more about this valuable ministry.




Terrigal Uniting Church plays in the Central Coast Christian Football Comp each year. The season kicks off in April and runs for 6 months. We have 2 teams in different grades, and the comp is open to both male and female. Contact us if you're interested in playing!

Small Groups

Every week many of us gather together with other members of the church to read the bible, pray, and grow our spiritual lives. Small groups are also a great way to connect with others outside of church and build a support network of friends. If you are interested in being a part of one of these groups, contact us and we will be in touch.


Prayer Ministry

We encourage everyone to be involved in prayer, however if you have a particular passion for praying for others, then you may like to become more involved in a prayer ministry. You might like to attend our weekly Prayer Connection group, join our prayer chain or commit to praying for an event that's happening.

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Sound/Tech Team

If you have technical skills and are open to learning news systems and software, we'd love you to become involved with the running of the presentation, sound and live stream at our services. This role is roster-based and may involve different areas depending on your skillset.

Playing Guitar

Music Ministry

Music is a big part of our worship services each week. Our Sunday 9:45am and 6pm services have bands with a diverse range of instruments, and our 8am service has an organist/pianist and hymns. If you play an instrument or sing and would like to play in one of our bands, contact our music ministers.


Multicolor Coffees

Friendship Groups

There are several groups which meet on a monthly basis. Some of these include Pepper and Salt (morning tea and a guest speaker), Coffee with friends (informal catch up at a local cafe), and Men's Cuppa & Chat (morning tea and friendly conversation).

View our upcoming events page for details.



We are blessed with a multitude of volunteers who help make running our church possible. If you would be willing to help us out in any way, please let us know! Some of the ways people help include reception, bible reading, morning tea, gardening, greeting, repair cafe and lots, lots more! 

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380 Terrigal Dr

Terrigal NSW 2260

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Part of the Uniting Church in Australia

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