A big thankyou to our volunteers
Our church is alive with activities, and in any given week there are many things running in the life of our church. Once a month on a Wednesday when Pepper & Salt is running up one end of the building, we have a playgroup being run at the same time down the other end. From what I have seen this year both of them love to see a firetruck, because when the firefighters were talking to Pepper & Salt the kids were all hanging over the fence to see the truck parked in our yard!
Every week we cater for a variety of ages and people through many different activities. Without each of our wonderful volunteers this would not happen. Our church runs on volunteers and without each of you playing your part our church could not live out the fantastic mission we are called to do.
On the 8th of December we are having a thankyou morning tea for all the volunteers that help around our church. If you volunteer for a ministry in our church by helping to run a group, playing your part on a roster, cooking or giving of your time in any way, we would love to see you join us for this time. Please let our church office know so we can add you to the list.
When you call the office you will most likely talk to one of our volunteers who help in our church office on weekdays.